Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Nomination of Eric Holder

Eric Holder has been nominated to become the next U.S. Attorney General. If confirmed, he will lead the U.S. Department of Justice. His nomination will be controversial because of his role in the Marc Rich pardon.

Should Holder be confirmed as the next Attorney General? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

I think this is controversial for the same reason that many of his other picks are. Obama ran his entire campaign on the promise of a fresh face in washington. For over 20 years Bush's and Clintons have been in charge of the executive branch. People voted for Obama over Hilary and then McCain becuase people where sick of the same old politics and the same old people making bad decisions. If i was a Obama supporter and i had any intelligance i think i would be outraged that Obama got my vote promising that "change change change change change" would happen and now there is nothing changed. Him picking people from the clinton administration whether they were envolved in pardons or not is controversial becuase they already have a lot of power in washington and it's likely they will overshadow obama in most of the decsions. COnsidering this fact it is quite puzzling how anything could possibly change at all. Almost all of his cabinet was former Clintonistas that have already had power for a loing time. People should be outraged that they were dupped by a message of change that has already fallen short. This next term is simply a new puppet with the same old puppet masters. All we have now is the same worn out politicians with a freindly new face to make people forget that our economy is failing, jobs are gonig to be lost, and laws will be change taking away our essential rights. Somehow though i have a feeling that while everything that happened to Bush was completly Bush's fault, whatever happens to Obama will also be Bush's Fault. I hope to God people hold the president accountable for the decisions he makes whether good or bad, but chances are if this whole "change" thing fails it will be because Bush left the eco. bad, or so it will be said.

Adam Deveau

Anonymous said...

I think that Eric Holder should not be the next Attorney General. Obama promised change and having the same people running the show is not much of a change. Holder obviously has not made very good decisions in the past during the Clinton and Bush administrations. These decisions do effect our country in negative ways and with everything that is going on, we cannot risk that. Obama should be picking newer faces; people that would make good decisions that will help our country. I mean if he really wants to make change that is what he should do.
Kayla Clark - USM

Anonymous said...

It makes me a little weary if Holder is the next Attorney General. Even though he was pardoned by Clinton doesn't mean that he didn't do anything wrong. Although people do make mistakes, I'm not sure if Democrats and Republicans can get over the mistake he made and hold such a high office. I hope Obama knows what he is doing, I've been pretty happy with everything so far, so I guess you just need to trust that he is doing the right thing.

Alexis Handy

Anonymous said...

To me, Obama's Presidential appointees are similar to a chess game. Sure the game pieces are the same, but the player has changed and what a player does with his rooks, bishops, knights, etc. makes all the difference. However, this choice does seem bogus but I'll admit that I dont know enough about it. On one side you can argue that everyone makes mistakes and that is what Marc (but mostly Holder) did. There is a lot of stuff that happens behind closed doors in the Government- things that we dont know about and things that most other government officals dont know about. For better or for worse, thats the way it is. Staying away from conspiracy arguements, one could still claim that what Marc did (or Holder's pardon) was for positive reasons outside our understanding - or even, he (or Holder) was a pawn in someone else's game. However, the other side of the arguement is far more realistic. People have said that Holder's position is that of crime and punishment-following the constitution. Therefore all politics need to be left out regardless of consequences. Despite Holder's qualifications, this pardon will always haunt him (unless he has a grand term) and helps discourage Obama supporters and fuel Republican's fear. Is there someone better qualified for the position...I dont know? But, what's to follow is mostly out-of-our hands so time will tell if this was a wise decision or not. ITs easy to be over-critical when watching from the outside, but when you in the game the rules are a lot different. - USM Charles Carlson

Anonymous said...

I am disappointing with Obama's decision to continue reappointing people into office who worked so closely with the Bush's and the Clinton's. Obama is setting up an office that is going to be just as Hilary Clinton would have wanted hers to be, but Americans didn't elect Hilary (unfortunately) they elected Obama and he needs to work for the CHANGE that he promised, and that's not going to happen if he continues to nominate people like Holder. Emily Brown USM

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Holder should be confirmed, because as several people said before me, Obama has based his campaign on change. Comfirming Holder is just bringing back more of the same and not starting off his administration with new people. Also although Holder was pardoned i'm hesitant to believe that he was completely innocent. And it is hard for both the public and government officials to overlook that.
Danielle Mailly Gorham USM

Anonymous said...

Holder is no less qualified because he has worked with previous presidents like Reagan and Clinton. AS true as his claim to change is, Obama is qualified to make his own decisions about whom to work with and what it takes to lead the country in the right direction. I voted for Obama and that includes what choices he makes. Holder is a good choice.
Kate Charest U.S.M

Anonymous said...

I strongly believe that Eric Holder should not be the new Attorney General of the United States. That job is essential to the working of the government and Holder does not meet the requirements. He has had many shady dealings and has directly opposed American interests. I find it very hard to believe that their isn't one person out there who is better qualified than a traitor. I feel that this is the first big mistake of Obamas presidency. Eric Holder may do a good job, but There are certainly others out there who could do better.

Connor Bibb

Jenna said...

I am very indifferent about whether or not Eric Holder should be Attorney General. I did vote for Obama and therefore feel I do support his decision making. I agree that he campaigned for change and this is not considered change however, there needs to be a balance and I think Obama has the right mind set and understands he needs people who have been doing this kind of work before and could be very helpful in the future. I understand many are upset because he is picking people from the Clinton administration and this is not representing change. But for me it is not about the people he choses it is about the outcome. We have not yet gotten to the point where we could criticize his decision making because these are people he is choosing not polices. It is not controversial just a bit unsettling because we don't know what will happen with these people working under Obama. That is all.

Jenna Hannigan USM

Anonymous said...

Honestly I am not suprised so far by too many of the picks Obama has made. There was much speculation during the summer when we found out that Hillary lost to Obama, many thought a power play was going to be made and he would appoint her under him. He has been pretty easy to read from the start. You seriously think a campaign that called for "change" was really going to bring about change? how many of you have been immersed in politics before? There is going to be change alright, in policies sadly, new laws that infringe on my rights, making me as a taxpayer shell out more money so others dont have to. Basically at this point it is irrelavant what I think. most people are ignorant and don't know much about politics and listen to too much of what the media has to say, and liked hearing this word "change" and based their whole decision making process on this. Now we have to live for the next 4 years with this decision. Whoever he appoints, and trust me its not as controversial as it should be.. we have to deal. The change we are all hoping for isnt going to happen, and gonna agree with adam on this, most everyone will still end up blaming bush for it?
-jess jacobs cm

Anonymous said...

With regard to the president-elect’s choices to the various offices, including this one, I feel that he must have good reason for choosing him. I haven’t read anywhere that he drinks fresh puppy blood or is a terrorist. Obama was able to put together a campaign for the people of this country, promising to try to fix what has become an increasingly complex series of problems. Many of the people in the media are saying that Obama can’t bring about the change he promised if he keeps appointing former Clintonites to his administration. Had Obama chosen completely new and unknown players, the argument would have been that there was nobody with any experience in his administration. How is he supposed to choose people that will satisfy everyone? He can’t. All he really can do is pick the people he feels can do the best job for the country, and thus far I have to believe that he has done that. I would argue that it is probably extremely likely that regardless of public opinion and certainly not withstanding the vast knowledge base in college-level political science courses – Obama probably knows more about the situation then most. He has that level of access and understanding. Having held top-secret clearance myself, I know that there are all kinds of things that the general public is never told about, which often could greatly sway public opinion had they known. Just because people have strong opinions one way or another doesn’t necessarily make them right. Certainly in our classes, age is a factor, because worldly experience just isn’t there for the bulk of students. People who have no idea what the world is like or how it operates often have a skewed view of larger pictures, like the country as a whole, which is why in political races singular “issues” become topics. One issue or one appointee isn’t going to make or break the nation. Everything is not always so obvious to the general public, often because of the parts of the story that is reported by the media. Frankly, I’m positive every person Obama has considered has made some mistakes in their past, just like we all have. What is clear, or should be, is that if you’re reading this – you don’t know the half of it, and neither do I. I’m the last one to throw caution to the wind and give a blank check to the government, regardless of who’s in power. I know that “they” know more about it than I do, and while I don’t think anyone is infallible, our nation has been around for a couple years now, and though the inner workings might be controlled by a relative few, they’ve gotten us this far. Let the system try to work – and that includes letting Obama choose who he wants to help him run our country. It isn’t like this is one of the worst financial periods in our recent history, or that we’re fighting at least two wars. We should be building our new president up, not picking apart every decision. A nation divided against itself cannot stand…

Matthew Lynch

Anonymous said...

Eric Holder should not be confirmed as the new Attorney General for obvious reasons. First off for the reason that everyone else has already brought up about Obama promising change and then picking people who wouldn't be new at all. I think this could be a mistake for Obama because he is going against the "change" idea that was one of the staples in his campaign. He might already lose some of his supporters if he keeps nominating people who go against his promises. Holder was already involved in prior campaigns that took part in shaping the country into what it is today. Most people think that is a negative thing, so why would we put him back into his position. Another reason that he shouldn't be confirmed as Attorney General is his prior involvement in political scandals. It would be like be putting Nixon or Clinton back into office after what they have done and been involved in. It just doesn't make sense. So, why would anyone want Eric Holder to get confirmed. For these two reasons I think that he shouldn't be confirmed as the new Attorney General.

USM-Justin Richardson

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of the people who have already responded and think that Eric Holder shouldn’t be the next attorney general. I personally think that Obama could find someone better, or someone who didn’t have this political controversy lingering around them to be suitable for the job. If he wants to change things for our country as he promised then he needs to start doing that, rather than nominating many people who have served in the Clinton administration. I understand it is vital to have people with experience in office, however, in this particular case Obama could have chosen someone with adequate experience who didn’t have this controversy floating around him.
–Joanna Gildart USM

Anonymous said...

I think Obama is a very intelligent man, and I think he knows what he's doing in electing Eric Holder as Attorney General. On the other hand, I don't want to see Obama losing his vision in America's future and I certainly don't want people who have worked for the Reagan and Clinton administration to fog his insights and all that he wants to achieve
during his terms as our new president. I still believe that Obama realizes that many people think he is naive; therefore, he might be making these decisions of electing both republican and democratic officers to prove that he is not one-sided on every issue, but I also think that the only way we're going to find out what he truley plans to do by electing people like Holder is to wait and see. Overall, I'm not worried about this move.

-Alina Arnheim

Anonymous said...

Obama's choice of Holder is not wholly surprising because he has chosen a whole multitude of Clinton staff. Obama is inexperienced, so he needs experienced staff...who are also ideologically the same as well though. The last Democratic administration before clinton was Carter(a whole different generation), so basically if he wants experienced democrats, he has to choose clinton staff. Some people feel that they were promised more change than they are getting, but one fact disputes that. Obama is the Commander in Chief, the final decision rest with him. These people serve at the leisure of the President, so if they're not bringing enough change or doing Obama's will, then they're gone. If Obama thinks these people will help him create change, then they should be confirmed. If they fail or are succesful, Obama will take all the heat or all the credit. Obama will make the final decisions and implement any change anyway. The same logic follows with the controversial pardon... Bill Clinton was the President and made the Pardon, not Holder and Holder was only the assistant Attorney General anyways.

Brendan Morse---USM

Unknown said...

I also feel that Eric Holder should not be Attorney General. It goes against what Obama said he would do. Where's the change when it's the same people in authority all the time?

Anonymous said...

I believe that Eric Holder should not be the next attourney general of the United States. Having Holder as that would not be bringing change to this country as President Obama has promised to us. Holder has been the attourney general for the past two administrations so there would be no change if Obama had him be the attourney general again. President Obama should definatly pick someone else because this country needs change and at this point in time, change can be good for the United States.

Matt Melia, USM

Anonymous said...

I have been fine with all of Obama's picks so far but this one is a shaky one. Holder's history involving a pardon of a guy on the FBI's most wanted list is not something that should be there, but it is. This guy defiantly is controversial and this might be the first pick of Barack's that i do not agree with. His other picks are good because he picked well qualified individuals and some new faces. He even kept a republican. I think all of his choices will work out well except Holder which is one that really have to question.
CM- Michael Ozdarski

Anonymous said...

Obama promised change for this country, but how are we going to be able to actually achieve this change if we are not electing new people? He picked people that have worked with the past presidents-- if Obama ran his entire campaign on change then he actually NEEDS to implement some change. With Holder in office, he will still make the same mistakes that will ultimately affect our country and not lead us in the new direction that we want to go in. I hope Obama realizes the decisions he is making and can only hope that his decisions are the best for this country.

Micaela Enevoldsen

Anonymous said...

I also agree that he should not be confirmed. Obama was voted partially because of his promises of change, and by nominating someone who has been around in former administrations isn't really a change. Also many people Obama has nominated for his cabinet are from the Clinton administration. I personally do not see the change in this, but maybe Obama has a plan going on in his head, and maybe somehow he will show us the change he promised.
However, I would like to see Obama pick a few new faces.
-Melissa Ramsden USM

Anonymous said...

Just like everyone has already stated, obama is being like most presidents and contradicting what he says. Holder has been involved in too many shady acts to have part of conrtol in our federal government. People involved in our government system need to be trustworthy people and not have citizen's have to second guess them and their chioces.
Zach Lachance USM

Anonymous said...

Can we have ANY thought on the matter other than "We voted for change, blah blah blah?"

Brendan Morse hit the nail on the head. Obama is new to the game, so he needs experienced staff to help him govern. He promised change... from the Bush Administration. This is business as usual in politics. As far as Holder is concerned, we don't have all of the facts on the matter, and so we can't know all of the details surrounding the controversy. But I'll tell you this: if this is the only blemish on his record after years in Washington, then he is doing a lot better than most. What it comes down to is if you voted or Obama, you should support his decisions as far as this is concerned. When he actually starts to be the president, then I'll listen to what people have to say about how Obama and his staff is doing.

Joshua Adams - USM

Anonymous said...

I don't really think it was a good move for Obama to keep him on. Like several others have said, Obama promised change, and this is a very important position. I believe that change should be made all around, and not just in certain places. Obama has already gone back on a bunch of the promises he had made during his campaigns, such as lowering the bracket for people that will receive increased taxes from $250k a year to $200k, and then down to $100k. Each time he dropped that down, he brought the percentage of Americans with raised taxes up a ridiculous amount. I feel like this promise for change in the way this country is run is turning out to be like the tax hikes: exaggerated promises. I don't think I would have voted for McCain, but I'm already disliking some of the things Obama has said/done since being elected.

-Ryan Michaud, USM

Anonymous said...

Though this is a very historic nomination i don't believe it is a good move for the Obama administration. It actually has nothing to do with the fact that Holder served under president Clinton seeing as he only served for several days. However i do find his policies very questionable i am aware that much of the world is frowning upon the U.S. and the Bush administrations use of the Guantanamo Bay Facility, however I don't believe releasing these prisoners is the right course of action at all. We have to remember that this prisoners are there for a reason and the fact that they have had no trial means nothing. Millions of American citizens are held for month's and even years at a time in intake centers and jails as they await trial. I see no real advantage in letting these prisoners who have in one way or another been suspected of plotting attacks against the United States free to do as they will just to gain the support of the global community. If anything America needs to continue to protect itself and not take a step in the opposite direction. I feel that is Holder is approved by the Senate he will make the wrong decisions concerning Americas safety.
Johann Donall USM

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what to think about the nomination of Eric Holder. Although it is a controversial matter I believe experience is something Obama could use on his side, but like many have said it is a rather contradicting move for him to make this early on. People have just elected him for change and experience or not new faces are what America wants, and i'm sure there are qualified people who have yet to come into the light that could be some of our next great officials and how are we going to know if we don't try something new. I don't personally care about some of the things Holder has done, his past doesn't concern me. The future is what Americans are dying to change and I don't know how dragging the past into charge is going to lead us in that direction

~Rachel Gordon

Anonymous said...

It seems like a lot of people are opposed to Mr. Holder's appointment as Attorney General because Obama promised change, and he isn't fulfilling that promise by appointing people who formerly worked with the Clinton administration. But it's been known since the primaries that Obama has surrounded himself with Clinton's people. I think it should have been obvious at that point that Obama would nominate former Clinton administrators to his administration. I don't know or understand enough of Holder's background in the controversial pardon of Marc Rich to have a strong negative or positive opinion about it. But, I support the President-Elect's decisions to elect these people, even Mr. Holder. Obviously he wouldn't have nominated them if he didn't feel they were qualified for the job.

Justin Quirion - USM

Anonymous said...

i too, dont know enough about it have a strong opinion but i trust obama's decisions because we knew from the start that he was surrounding himself with Clinton's administration and we voted for him. i definately trust that he will make the right decision regardless of Holden's image from marc rich.

Ashley Hallett-USM

Anonymous said...

how do i feel about Oboma choice of Eric Holder, i think that he has the right to pick who he wants to be in his cabinet, even though that he has picked people that have been closely related to the clinton and bush terms. the pardon agrement will always be in the back of every ones minds but we cant let that affect how he does.


Anonymous said...

I believe that our country voted Obama as our president there for allowing and trusting him to make significantly important decisisons such as this one. Though Eric Holder has been involved in scandalous issues in the past, he does have a lot of experience and this is what we need. Obama's platform was based on his promise for change; we will have to wait to see if he fulfills this promise. In the end, if he fails and it becomes apparent to our country that he made the wrong decision in choosing his members, it is only then that we will be able to say that it was a mistake. Eric Holder needs to improve his reputation in the eyes of our country - I think there's a good chance that he will do so.
Brittany Michaud - USM

Anonymous said...

The nomination of Eric Holder is proof that Obama is in fact not going to change anything. The people in his cabinet are the same faces who have been in Washingtion for 20 years. Obama's entire campaign was based solely on his promise to change, and he is already not comiting to what he promised and he has not even been inagurated yet.

April O'Leary USM

Anonymous said...

Obama was elected as our president, because everyone is trusting him to make good decisions for our country. Whether if Eric Holder was or was not involved in a pardoning, that has nothing to do with what Obama may see in him. He may have more talent that everyone is able to see, because they are too blinded by a past scandal. I truely believe that Obama knows his election and term is a our major accomplishment in our country and would do nothing to mess it up after making it this far. There is a reason why he elected Holder and I think that he will prove to the United States why.

Samantha Willette/Am.Gov

Anonymous said...

I think that Obama does have the right to pick who he would like to be on his cabinet but I dont think that Eric Holder would be the right person, sure he might do great job but I am sure there are other people out there that can do the job as well. I think we need someone new that hasnt worked with the clintons, or Bush. Lets see some new faces in Washington for a change.
Nick Bouyea CMCC

Anonymous said...

I definally do not think that Eric Holder should be the next attorney general. The U.S attorney general is a huge role and should not go to a person who was pardoned by Bill Clinton for federal tax evasion charges. If he did get into the seat what would he actually do when he was in there? Would it really even be good for our country?

-Dan Chabot

Anonymous said...

I feel like even though he had a role in the pardons that he can;t still make up for what he did. it is certainly something to look at though. obama is trying to pick a well rounded cabinet and i think that if he chose eric holder for this position, he had a good reason to do so, and probably has acknowledged this pardon during his decision making. so im not too worried about it.

-Colin Mack USM

Anonymous said...

Holder has made many mistakes and I don't think it would be good for him to be the next attorny general. He doesn't seem to have the best interest of the US citizens in mind. He has had shady dealings with criminals and terrorists along with pardons pretty much saying it's okay to do all those wrong things, that we'll still forgive you. Obama is supposed to be about change. He needs to bring someone new in that hasn't and we hope will not make mistakes as Holder did.

Danielle Ward-USM

Anonymous said...

President elect Obama's choice is contoversal and somewhat odd. Yes he may be very well qualified to do the job and may even do it well. But he has gotten in trouble before while Clinton, and also has been around during the whole Bush adminstration. So he may have the experience under his belt but will he make the best choices? Or maybe what we need is someone new who hasnt been around as long. only time will tell.
David Brown CMCC

Anonymous said...

Eric holder has the not only the experience to be the next attorney general, but has a strong background in law. He has already served as the deputy attorney general. If you look at his bio on the New York Times page he was working with Obama during the campaign. Obama needed someone he already could trust and was qualified.
And... For those of you who shout about change... We can not just be throwing anyone into the attorney general position. You complain about the choice but who could have Obama chose instead? Do we not want a person who will get the job done? Would you prefer a reality show of "Who's gonna be the next attorney general?" Change does not mean replacing all of the people in Washington. We still need people who know how to do the job.

Anonymous said...

Mike Gauthier

Anonymous said...

i don't think that he should be nominated. he has already been in office for a long time and this isn't representative of what obama ran his campaign on, which is change.

Nick Stone CM

Anonymous said...

I disagree with people saying that Obamas claim of change is not true. Just because there is the same peopl doesn't mean the actions of everyone will be the same. Does everyone expect for him to clear out every "employee" and bring in all new ones? As for Holder, I feel that since his involment was pardoned by a president it should be pardoned by the people of the country too. Yeah there are other people that are qualified to be the attorney general but Eric Holder is the one that the presidential elect of our country has chosen to nominate.

James Lemay

Anonymous said...

I don't think Holder should be confirmed. He has already been in a similar position and was there for awhile. And on top of that he was involved in a pardon that definitely shouldn't have happened. I think it is time to get some new people into the game.

Michael Pottle CMCC

Anonymous said...

if holder had anything to do with rich's aid in any sort of criminal activity, especially with a person who obviously had plenty of money to go around, he shouldn't be holding any seat in our government. i understand that all of our politicians have to lie and cheat here and there, but blatant misconduct is unacceptable under any circumstance. if it were a hoodlum in the ghetto who ripped off some random person, i can guarantee you that holder wouldn't think twice about prosecuting him. tax evasion is stealing from all american citizens. there is not much difference. every one of these punks like rich are no help to our present economic crisis. prosecute rich and get rid of holder. -fecteau- cmcc

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of the comments already posted. It's tough to swallow this nomination without being very skeptical. I think James was right when he said that we can't expect Obama to change evey government employee but at the same time I think that Holder was definitely the wrong one to keep. Are all of the cabinet members he chose from Clinton's administration right too? Can we really expect a good change when he is picking some of the same people operating with little experience. When Obama won I was really hoping that he had more promise than I thought for everyone's sake but as far as I can tell the next four years don't look to be much of a change. But it honestly won't matter how many bad decisions Obama makes with his nominations and the presidency because his supporters and Bush opposers with say that he had to spend the whole time cleaning up Bush's mess so he couldn't bring about real change. Let's just hope that things will start to look up.

Paige CM

Anonymous said...

The fact that anybody on the FBI's most wanted list can be, or would be pardoned is diturbing enough, what's worse is that it actually happened. The rich pardon as well as other "less than appropriate" actions should have removed Mr. Holder from the list of possible nominees to begin with.

Larry Littlefield